Paramedic (EMT) Overview
The 急救医疗服务应用科学副学士 follows the 2009 EMS Education Standards published by the US Department of Transportation and involves 555 hours of classroom and lab instruction; an extensive structured 270 hour in-hospital clinical component with experienced preceptors at various medical centers and a field internship with a high performance urban EMS agency.
护理人员计划提供所有人体系统的一般指导,并为各种条件提供先进的生命支持管理. Components of this course include:
- Introduction to Paramedic
- Pharmacology
- Airway Management and Ventilation
- Advanced Patient Assessment
- Medicine
- Trauma
- Special Populations
- EMS Operations
To contact CoAEMSP:
根据向EMS专业认证委员会报告的2021年年度报告 |
NREMT Pass Rate |
Retention Rate |
Positive Job Placement Rate |
0% |
50% |
20% |
EMT Training Possible Career Track
Licensure and Certification
Upon completion, 持有急救医疗服务副学士学位的毕业生通常可以从事以下工作:
- Local and Federal Fire Departments
- 地方,州和联邦执法机构
- Public Health Agencies
- Industrial Corporations
- Critical Care Transport Agencies
- Air Medical Transport Agencies
- Hospitals
- Government Agencies
- Correctional Facilities
- Public and Private EMS Agencies
- Educational Institutions
EMT Training Outcomes
急诊医疗服务应用科学副学士学位旨在培养合格的初级护理人员在认知(知识)方面的能力。, psychomotor (skills), 情感(行为)学习领域,有或没有高级紧急医疗技术员和/或紧急医疗技术员的出口点, 和/或紧急医疗响应级别.
Virginia Office of EMS
1041 Technology Park Drive
Glen Allen, VA 23059
- 表现出符合专业实践标准的行为
- 在法律、道德和监管框架内坚持专业实践标准
- 利用各种沟通方法在医疗保健系统内进行有效的互动
- 为多元文化社会提供符合文化要求的关怀
- 展示实践所需的所有技能的技术能力
- Provide evidence-based, 临床主管护理利用批判性思维和决策院前设置
- 运用基本的团队领导技能确保安全, coordinate care, 适当地委派和解决问题,以促进患者的积极结果
- 表现出自我指导和负责任的特点, which contribute to lifelong learning, 无论是个人还是职业
EMT Training Curriculum
Program Requirements
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
BIO101 | BIO101 Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 3.00 |
BIO104 | BIO104 Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 3.00 |
ENG110 | ENG110 College Composition | 3.00 |
HUM205 | 文化与多样性:人文探索 | 3.00 |
MTH120 | MTH120 College Mathematics | 3.00 |
PSY105 | PSY105 Introduction to Psychology | 3.00 |
Credit Hour(s) total | 18.00 | |
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
FOR110 | FOR110 Essentials for Success | 3.00 |
Credit Hour(s) total | 3.00 | |
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
EMS201 | EMS201 Introduction to Paramedic | 3.00 |
EMS203 | EMS203 EMS Pharmacology | 3.00 |
EMS205 | EMS205气道管理和通气 | 2.00 |
EMS207 | EMS207 Advanced Patient Assessment | 4.00 |
EMS209 | EMS209 Medicine I | 4.00 |
EMS210 | EMS210 Medicine II | 4.00 |
EMS213 | EMS213 Trauma | 4.00 |
EMS215 | EMS215 Special Populations | 3.00 |
EMS217 | EMS217 EMS Operations | 3.00 |
EMS219 | EMS219 Paramedic Skill Development | 2.00 |
EMS241 | EMS241 Paramedic Clinical I | 1.00 |
EMS242 | EMS242 Paramedic Clinical II | 1.00 |
EMS243 | EMS243 Paramedic Clinical III | 1.00 |
EMS244 | EMS244 Paramedic Clinical IV | 1.00 |
EMS245 | EMS245 Paramedic Clinical V | 1.00 |
EMS246 | EMS246 Paramedic Clinical VI | 1.00 |
EMS250 | EMS250 Paramedic Field Clinical I | 1.00 |
EMS252 | EMS252 Paramedic Field Internship | 2.00 |
Credit Hour(s) total | 41.00 | |